jeudi 15 septembre 2016

Ciné club, c'est reparti

Retrouvez latinoamericalli chaque mois à radio Bip 14 rue de la Viotte à Besançon avec sa passion cinéma entre amigos et venez voir ou revoir dans les locaux rénovés de radio bip jeudi 22 septembre à 20h 30' un film de J José Campanella : *"El hijo de la novia, le fils de la mariée"* avec Ricardo Darín, Héctor Alterio et Norma Aleandro
Faites passer le message et venez nombreux

de un à 3 euros, réservation obligatoire par mail ou téléphone au 06 19 25 56 20

1 commentaire:

  1. To remain healthy has become the foremost challenging task of today’s time because contamination isn't only food, but water also has increased to a level where it's essential to observe out what we are consuming. Alongside mainstream diseases like diarrhoea, gastrointestinal problems, stomach infections, etc. caused thanks to drinking impure water, there are many ill-effects observed on health thanks to the presence of particular contaminants within the water.
    Restrict Severe Diseases by Bringing Advanced Water Purifiers at Your Home
    Clean And Healthy Water With Water Purifiers
    Why are people in Delhi and Gurgaon concerned about the purity of their drinking water?
    How to Select the Most Appropriate Water Purifier
    The Importance of Water Purifiers in Today's World in Delhi
    What Is Industrial Water Purifier Know It Component & Application in Human Life
    How to Find the Best Water Filter Price in Delhi, Gurgaon
